About us
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Enies is an engineering multipurpose service company created in partnership by a group of five (5) young, dynamic and highly dedicated personnel, with professional engineering backgrounds, founded in the year, 2019 with Akwa as head quarter in Douala. ENIES was put in place with the purpose of creating a sustainable and constantly improving engineering platform, able to provide predictable and quality solutions to our clients whilst fostering lasting relationships with professionals, local councils, government agencies, contractors and suppliers. Its goal has always been to visit local and national engineering challenges with expertise and reliable solutions. Today, besides Douala(head quarter) where were we dispense our services on a national scale, we have in our possession two permanent bases, one in the South West region, Limbe and the other at in the Centre region, Mbandjock and we intend opening other bases in other regions.

Humble beginnings
New headquarters
Opening 2 news locations
Asi Haltine
Haltine is an Inspector and NDT technician, perfoming any procurements request from USA for Enies, Haltine is also manager, shareholder and Enies technician,he is working continuously for improvement of the buisness.
Roland Nsami
Roland is full experienced inspector, with more than 10 years experiences, NS2, Lloyds British, ASNT Level 2 and IRATA Rope access Level 1 certified, he is an Enies Technician,shareholder and Manager, multidisciplinary technician and hard working for management improving within Enies.
Albert Njang
Operation Manager, Albert is Level 3 Certified Irata Techincian, with full experience in various technologies and industries, among the first Irata certified in Cameroon, Albert is NDT and Inspector also, shareholder, Manager and Enies Technician.
Eric Tchoupa
Shareholder, Manager And Technician, Eric is a Mechanical Engineer, Rope Access Technician, NDT Technician and Inspector, with solid experience in inspection Oil and Gas Industry.
Richard Tolo
Richard is far the best Rope Access Level 3 presently in Cameroon, between the firsts IRATA certified technicians of country, Richard is Shareholder, Manager, and Enies Technician, with more than 15 Years Experience in differents Industry operations.